class Scheduler implements Queue
protected string | $connectionName | The connection name for the queue. | |
protected Container | $container | The IoC container instance. | |
static protected callable[] | $createPayloadCallbacks | The create payload callbacks. |
Get the size of the queue.
Push a new job onto the queue.
No description
Push a new job onto the queue.
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
Create a payload string from the given job and data.
Create a payload array from the given job and data.
Create a payload for an object-based queue handler.
Get the display name for the given job.
Get the retry delay for an object-based queue handler.
Get the expiration timestamp for an object-based queue handler.
Create a typical, string based queue payload array.
Register a callback to be executed when creating job payloads.
Create the given payload using any registered payload hooks.
Pop the next job off of the queue.
Get the connection name for the queue.
Set the connection name for the queue.
No description
No description
at line 53
size(string|null $queue = null)
Get the size of the queue.
at line 66
push(string|object $job, mixed $data = '', string|null $queue = null)
Push a new job onto the queue.
at line 75
getQueue($queue = null)
at line 88
pushOn(string $queue, string|object $job, mixed $data = '')
Push a new job onto the queue.
at line 101
pushRaw(object|array $payload, string|null $queue = null, array $options = [])
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
at line 124
later(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay, string|object $job, mixed $data = '', string|null $queue = null)
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
at line 143
laterOn(string $queue, DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay, string|object $job, mixed $data = '')
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
at line 156
bulk(array $jobs, mixed $data = '', string|null $queue = null)
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
at line 173
protected string
createPayload(Closure|string|object $job, string $queue, mixed $data = '')
Create a payload string from the given job and data.
at line 190
protected array
createPayloadArray(string|object $job, string $queue, mixed $data = '')
Create a payload array from the given job and data.
at line 204
protected array
createObjectPayload(object $job, string $queue)
Create a payload for an object-based queue handler.
at line 235
protected string
getDisplayName(object $job)
Get the display name for the given job.
at line 247
getJobRetryDelay(mixed $job)
Get the retry delay for an object-based queue handler.
at line 265
getJobExpiration(mixed $job)
Get the expiration timestamp for an object-based queue handler.
at line 285
protected array
createStringPayload(string $job, string $queue, mixed $data)
Create a typical, string based queue payload array.
at line 305
static void
createPayloadUsing(callable $callback)
Register a callback to be executed when creating job payloads.
at line 321
protected array
withCreatePayloadHooks(string $queue, array $payload)
Create the given payload using any registered payload hooks.
at line 343
pop(string|null $queue = null)
Pop the next job off of the queue.
at line 353
Get the connection name for the queue.
at line 364
setConnectionName(string $name)
Set the connection name for the queue.